Thursday, July 18, 2013

42 - 2013 (PG-13)

If the U.S. Congress called Rosa Parks "the first lady of civil rights", then Jackie Robinson would be the first man. In '42' we follow the story of Jackie Robinson and the historical signing with the Brooklyn Dodgers where he breaks the color line into major league baseball.
For starters you do not need to be a baseball fan to enjoy 42. Similar to watching Ken Burns' 'Baseball', 42 tells this story from every angle. This is no documentary though and luckily it moves at a much faster pace. However, there is plenty of baseball to entertain those just looking for a good sports movie.

The lead role of Robinson is played by Chadwick Boseman. Most of his work is in TV and theater, and not well known for his movies rolls. Until now. Without question this movie should launch his career to new heights. He was simply incredible in it and my question is, where has he been?! Boseman is paired with Harrison Ford, who plays Branch Rickey, the general manager of the Dodgers. If not Oscar-winning, then the performances of Boseman and Ford are at the very least Oscar-nominating.

It did feel a bit long in parts, and it can be very disturbing to watch the hatred cast upon Robinson but at the same time you will be inspired by the courage and decency he portrays throughout this time in his life.

By the end of it you may feel a little beat up from the emotions you'll feel. Clearly this is no 'Sandlot' or 'The Natural'. However, Hollywood's adaptation of Robinson's life wraps up well at the end, and you'll be reassured that his life, though rough, he stood tall through it all.

So grab your peanuts and cracker jacks and rent or buy 42...Sorry I couldn't help but to get that in there.

You can pick up the movie at Amazon today here: 42

Or you can rent it Aug 13th through Redbox or Netflix

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