The cast of Grown Ups is back for a new summertime adventure. In this sequel Lenny (Adam Sandler) moves his family back to the town where he grew up. New stars in this movie include Taylor Lautner, Andy Samberg and what looks like a small role for a big guy, Shaq. Grown Ups 1 was one of Sandler's better movies in the last 5 years, and it looks like this second one should be equally or better than the first based on what I'm seeing from this trailer. Take a look...
When I saw the first Grown Ups I felt like it was trying too hard. But I admit the more times I watch it the more I enjoy it. And I gotta say this new one looks pretty good.
I think you nailed it. Grown Ups 1 tried too hard, but then grows on you. The more I see it the more I like it as well. And this trailer looks to have some pretty funny parts in it!
When I saw the first Grown Ups I felt like it was trying too hard. But I admit the more times I watch it the more I enjoy it. And I gotta say this new one looks pretty good.
ReplyDeleteI think you nailed it. Grown Ups 1 tried too hard, but then grows on you. The more I see it the more I like it as well. And this trailer looks to have some pretty funny parts in it!